

KSuite is a comprehensive document management system for SWIFT messages. The system stores all SWIFT messages of the User Institution in its DB irrespective of its format (Traditional text format or the ISO 20022 XML) and allows a plethora of action. The Advanced Search function permits the User to find any message using any of the many parameters allowed. Other functions are Analytics, Translation, Emailing, Integration with Core banking System, GPI (Message Tracking), Nostro Reconciliation and so on.

KSuite – Message Processor

The Message Processor is capable of adopting to any Interface qualified by SWIFT. The User may specify the Interface Formats and KSuite will be adopted accordingly.

KSuite- Auto-E-Mailer.

Customized tool for institutions to send copies of SWIFT messages using email automatically to the respective applicant or recipient and/or to any other pre-defined destinations. Banks with Internet Banking portal may upload the messages to make it visible or downloadable by the customer. It is customizable to generate sms alerts as soon as the messages are sighted by the system. The actions are logged for review.

KSuite-Straight Through Processing.

A module to process selected incoming/outgoing messages such as MT103 and MT202 or their equivalent XML messages and upload them to banking application or other back-office systems for automatic processing. It has the ability to transform the payload into acceptable formats. Its reporting capability will enable daily reconciliation and error handling.


This module is an application that enables the user bank to set up automatic printing of messages of selected types to selected printers. All messages will still be visible on the User Interface Screen (web-based)

KSuite-Embargo Screening.

This module makes it possible to screen the messages against pre-loaded suspected entities and also other parameters such as Currency and threshold amount, Country of origination/destination, etc. The User may use International lists and also self-compiled list for the screening. Suspected messages will be blocked from further processing until the Compliance Team clears them. Messages blocked by the Team will be permanently prevented from further processing.

Global Payment Initiative (GPI – Tracking payment messages)

This module tracks the payment messages using the MT 199/trck001 sent and received by the Bank. The tracking GUI displays the progress of every payment message sent by the Bank graphically. The additional feature of advising clients as soon as payment is applied to beneficiary’s account will be delightful.

Reconciliation of Nostro/Vostro Accounts (automatic)

This new module automates reconciliation of Nostro/Vostro Account transactions on intervals to be defined by the bank. The records from MT 940/950 or camt 023 messages are utilized for reconciliation. The Bank may choose to have the statement of unreconciled entries on a daily basis making it easy for tracking any outstanding entries or unauthorized entries.